Welcome to birth trauma stories Podcast
S.4 E.12
Brooke Shapiro
Fish Out of Water
S.4 E.11
Ashely Martin
NICU Admission to NICU Notebook
S.4 E.10
Dae Hayes
Embrace the “Ta” of Life: How to Surrender to Gentle Motherhood
S.4 E.9
Andrea Hickson
Preemie Mom, Founder, and Director of NICU Alumni
S.4 E.8
Dr. Yameika Head
Your Steps Are Already Ordered: Partenting Journey of Raising A Special Needs Child
S.4 E.7
Onesa Anozie
When Microwave Culture Breaks Down: A NICU Journey
S.4 E.6
Brian Heilig
Breathe, Eat, Poop, Grow
S.4 E.5
Marie Brock
Keep It Simple: The Power of Nutrition
S.4 E.4
Rebekah Cook
AFE & TTC Journey
S.4 E.3
Dr. Deering
The Importance of OB Simulation
S.4 E.2
Roger Peters
Healing Perinatal Trauma through Gaming
S.4 E.1
Cathy Garrett
Season Premiere:
Life Looking Different