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S.4 E.21 Emilie P.: Placental Abruption/PRES Syndrome Pt.2

This week I am joined by Emilie from Edmonton, Alberta. She is French-Canadian and grew up loving music. She plays the violin but decided on a career in data analytics. She has the perfect job as a data analyst for an Orchestra. She and her husband have been together for 9 years and recently celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary. 

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is a rare condition in which parts of the brain are affected by swelling, usually due to an underlying cause. Someone with PRES may experience headaches, changes in vision, and seizures, with some developing other neurological symptoms or weakness of one or more limbs.               

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_reversible_encephalopathy_syndrome